the donas project
Get Ready to Shift: Your Ultimate Guide to Rest, Reset, and Renewal
It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and overwhelm of daily life. No one feels like they have been duped more by “wanting to be an adult” than me 😅. Running from one thing to the next, trying to keep up, secretly just wanting everything on the to-do list to be done so I can sit on my couch, in my clean home, in silence, with a soft breeze caressing me, my glowing skin and freshly manicured toes, while reading that book I’ve brought on three vacations. Yup that book has been to 3 countries😩
Well, I am here to tell you that’s never gonna happen unless you hit pause on this movie that is your life, and make some room for you in the chaos of this dumpsterfire we are in. Now I’m not talking as “Nurse Donna” right now (though I can go on about how all this impacts your health)… I’m speaking as “Donna The Real Life Person” who has had more than her fair share of burnout and is COMMITTED in 2024 to keeping it out of her life like a bad ex.
The "Shift" is more than just a series of sessions—it's a commitment to yourself, a reminder that you are worthy of care and attention.
I know personally that I only keep committed to something when there are other people involved. I know that I have to consciously set out time for self-care and reflection. I also know things don’t happen overnight and small acts create larger shifts in our lives through compounding effects. I have spent a lot of time “working on myself” only to find out that the work just doesn’t end. I’m a constant work in progress and sort of like my city of NY always under construction.
I will be honest this sort of got me super down at one point - I’m like where’s the trophy? How come there aren’t more commas in my checking account? Why don’t I have a Rolex? But there is no end game in this…well until you die…so I gotta “play” the game of life. Instead of waiting for the final win, I have to enjoy the moments and the process in all of it. Just like someone who has a garden..they enjoy their beautiful flowers, plants, and even the actual fruits of their labor…but they enjoy the process more. The shifting of seasons, planting seeds, tending to their work, the harvest, and even the repetition of it all. A lot of them will even say gardening “Relaxes Them”…How does all that work relax you? Because it lightens mood, and lowers cortisol, and stress levels. It’s very gratifying to plant, tend to, harvest, and share your own food. Once relaxed, you're present and intentional in the entire process. Honestly, that’s what I need to do with my life.
The truth is that myself and my friends are in a shift…. physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. While I have no “instruction manual” for this shift, I spent the better part of last year creating routines for it. I saw firsthand how doing this previously in my life with my Moon Circles added to my overall well-being. By having a little moment of sanctuary for rest, reset, and renewal in my own living room kept me more grounded and focused. I need something I could do every month to prioritize my well—being and support myself on my journey of self—discovery. I also needed like-minded people - And I’m encouraging you to do the same, regardless of whether you want to join us or not.
**What to Expect**
"The Shift" is a monthly gathering for you to be with you. A little oasis where you can kick back, relax, and dive deep into some serious self-care. A safe and nurturing space where you can pause, breathe, and reconnect with yourself. Each session will feature a carefully curated blend of activities, including guided meditation, intention-setting exercises, and transformative discussions. Drawing inspiration from the rhythms of nature and honoring celestial monthly themes we'll explore rituals of self-care, personal growth, and intentional living. Whether you're seeking clarity, inspiration, or simply a moment of pause this is the space…you might even have a breakthrough or two along the way.
**Don’t Stress**
You can join us live or catch up on your own time. These monthly sessions will be a unique blend of collective experience with individual focus. While we gather as a community to support each other, the focus remains on your personal journey. It's all about you, babe—your journey, your growth, you being the main character of your movie.
**Why "The Shift" Matters**
Whether you're craving clarity, peace, or just a little TLC - "The Shift" sessions offer a gentle reminder of the importance of slowing down and tuning into ourselves. It’s a moment where you can just BE. By taking intentional time for rest, reset, and renewal, we can cultivate greater resilience, clarity, and joy in our lives. Each session is an opportunity to honor your inner wisdom and release what no longer serves you. It's your permission slip to slow down, tune in, and be a friend to yourself for once.
**Ready to Shift?**
Registration is now open for upcoming sessions. Simply visit this link to snag your spot today. Sessions will be held monthly with limited spaces , but recordings will be available in case you miss it. I cannot wait to join you in this space.
**Or Take The First Step on Your Terms**
As we navigate these times together, it's essential to prioritize our inner well-being. "The Shift" offers a unique opportunity to slow down, tune in, and befriend ourselves. However, if you're not ready to join us just yet, I encourage you to start incorporating regular routines and rituals into your life that prioritize your overall well-being. In case you need some ideas on how to start creating wellness rituals for yourself, you can check out “Monthly Self-Care Crash Course: A Step-by-Step Guide to Prioritizing You”.
As always thank you for being a part of this community ❤❤ Donna
Can Vision Boards Work? How Do You Make A Vision Board?
If you have been following along you know by now I love vision boards - I also get a huge eye roll from my friends and people around me when I start talking about visualizations and meditating. So I set out to do some research on why vision boards work and how you can make sure they become more than just wall decor.
So if you’re tired of creating vision boards that end up gathering dust in the corner or are very skeptical about making one in the first place - this series is for you. I read a lot of journal articles and did some research on how Vision Boards Connect In with the Reticular Activating System of your brain , how sometimes we need to figure out what we do not want in order to bring in what we do want and how all of this interacts with our subconscious. [Don’t worry Im listing all of the videos in this post - keep scrolling.]
From The Vision Board Brainstorm - learn more here
From my research, the main takeaways were that you need to embark on a mission with these vision boards. It’s not just a one-and-done thing you do on a weekend - it’s something that needs to be continuous. I even started keeping track of my own boards publicly on this site for accountability.
After doing my research I realized this is where a lot of people are dropping the ball (not on purpose…it’s just happening). So I made this series of videos sharing what I learned and then decided to take it a step further for those who were serious about it and created The Vision Board Brainstorm.
So if you ever felt like your vision board was missing that secret sauce? Well, guess what? It probably was. Your boards should be more than just about pretty pictures; it's about diving deep into the science of your mind and crafting a tool that resonates with your wildest dreams. Don’t worry all the videos I made will help you sort this out.
From the Vision Board Brainstorm
Most people have an idea about their “wildest dreams” but don’t know how to take the first step. In discovering your dreams, you need to shake off what's holding you back, and ultimately allow yourself to have a transformative experience. My series of videos and The Vision Board Brainstorm guide you through exercises that not only lay out your vision board but also bulldoze the blocks standing between you and your success.
Think of it as Science meets Vision Boards, and you finally shake hands with your subconscious and become friends. These methods go way beyond the surface and help you get what you want out of life.