Self & Growth, Astrology <3 Donna Self & Growth, Astrology <3 Donna

How Astrology Helped Me Find My True Purpose : The Power of The North Node

Dive deep into the world of astrological self-discovery to uncover your true purpose, overcome challenges, and position yourself for personal growth and fulfillment.

If the question "What is my purpose?" has kept you up at night - you're not alone! I spent many wasted hours in my 20s and 30s asking myself the same thing pretty much every night, while staring at my ceiling as if the answer would magically appear. While I never got the answer there, one of the things that has helped me so much has been diving into my astrological birth chart - specifically my North and South Nodes.

image from Pinterest

Navigating life often leaves many of us questioning our purpose and seeking deeper insight into our personal journeys. As I encountered my own personal existential crisis, questioning my purpose, my path, and what I was supposed to be doing out here in this dumpster fire, I ended up using astrology to deep dive and understand myself better.

In my era of “self-exploration and self-understanding,” astrology provided a unique perspective, particularly through the study of the North and South Nodes. There was a lot of transformative potential in understanding these astrological points, and finally, I was able to get some actionable steps towards “figuring out a purpose.”

Now if I've already lost you - don't worry...I made a video explaining everything (scroll down for it below). And since I love to be extra, I took it a step further and recently hosted a workshop showing some of my followers and friends how to figure it all out by themselves. But don't worry about that right now - If you're feeling stuck or just curious about how astrology might help you in your personal growth, keep reading and then take a look at the video.

All About The North and South Nodes Explained

image from Pinterest

In astrology, your birth chart is more than just the placements of the sun, moon, and planets at the time of your birth—it also includes crucial points like the North and South Nodes. The North Node indicates your direction in this life, what you're striving towards (what might not be easy for you but will pay off and be “worth it” in the long run). While the South Node reveals traits and skills from “past lives” (and if you’re not into that cool, forget I said past lives), it also means your early years (a lot of the stuff in your personal foundation - that also comes easy to you). The South Node offers comfort and sometimes the “easy route” but also can be a trap of complacency, pride, ego, rebellion, or fear just to name a few… well, those are mine that I just named, haha.

So How Do You Find Your Node?

image from Pinterest

You can easily find your personal nodes by looking up your natal chart online using your birth date, time, and location. Understanding where your North Node lies in terms of zodiac sign and house can reveal your desires (maybe the stuff you already know but are afraid to say out loud) and the life areas requiring your focus. While your South Node can illustrate inherent talents and persistent patterns that might be holding you back. These talents can also be important in you stepping into the “destiny” of the North node - you just might need to look at them through a different lens or from a different perspective (that’s what I needed) in order to best utilize them in your current situation and the present.

How I Figured Out How To Use My North Node

image from Pinterest

Well, research, YouTube, and reading - also I decided to look up celebrities who had similar placements as me. Taking cues from public figures like Beyoncé, who embodies her Leo North Node through her commanding stage presence, attention to details, embodying “being an artist” in all areas, and community-building efforts. She inspired her fans to embrace their own personal greatness even if they are not center stage. She also uses her past personal experiences in her artistic expression and creations. We are both Leo North Nodes so stepping into roles that require leadership and visibility are part of the process instead of hiding out behind the scenes or “in the group”. As well as infusing your journey into your art in order to share it with other people so they can then have their own personal inspiration and takeaway.

My North Node placement is about embracing visibility and sharing my perspective, a big contrast to her South Node where comfort was found in being in the background (I was a BTS photographer for years & all my friends are in the spotlight as comedians). My North Node challenged me to stretch beyond my comfort zones, while the South Node helped me see how to not fallback to overused strengths.

But Let’s Not Forget About The South Node…Okay?

While it's crucial to embrace your North Node challenges in order to grow and evolve, totally ignoring your South Node skills is not a good idea. We aren’t trying to abandon the South Node - we are trying to incorporate it more. Your abilities and skills belong in your life toolbox to help navigate towards your North Node. You need to figure out how they can support your journey rather than restrain it or “contain” you. Balancing these aspects involves integrating past knowledge and looking at how we can take where we are comfortable into new areas of growth.

Implementing Through Introspection

For me, I started asking myself a ton of questions about the Node Placements (don’t worry I’m sharing them in the video to help you out too). I would journal, meditate, and have some self-introspection and reflection about how these things were showing up for me. Where was I resisting my North Node? Where was I leaning into comfort or “what comes easy to me?” What happened when I got uncomfortable? Was there success or did it backfire? I also needed action. Because we can sit and ponder and write our feelings and make tons of vision boards about what we want, but we also need action. Every small step towards embracing this energy contributes to your personal evolution, growth, and overall life satisfaction. I am a testament to that.

Journaling Prompts & More

Understanding your North and South Nodes can be the big assist in your journey toward self-awareness and fulfillment. This exercise can help you uncover your deepest desires and move through with a bit more confidence.

I have included the video deep dive I did on all of this and how I was able to move through and start embracing my North Node potential. If you missed the workshop I did on North Nodes and Your Destiny you can get the replay here .

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Get Ready to Shift: Your Ultimate Guide to Rest, Reset, and Renewal

It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and overwhelm of daily life. No one feels like they have been duped more by “wanting to be an adult” than me 😅. Running from one thing to the next, trying to keep up, secretly just wanting everything on the to-do list to be done so I can sit on my couch, in my clean home, in silence, with a soft breeze caressing me, my glowing skin and freshly manicured toes, while reading that book I’ve brought on three vacations. Yup that book has been to 3 countries😩

Well, I am here to tell you that’s never gonna happen unless you hit pause on this movie that is your life, and make some room for you in the chaos of this dumpsterfire we are in. Now I’m not talking as “Nurse Donna” right now (though I can go on about how all this impacts your health)… I’m speaking as “Donna The Real Life Person” who has had more than her fair share of burnout and is COMMITTED in 2024 to keeping it out of her life like a bad ex.

The "Shift" is more than just a series of sessions—it's a commitment to yourself, a reminder that you are worthy of care and attention.

I know personally that I only keep committed to something when there are other people involved. I know that I have to consciously set out time for self-care and reflection. I also know things don’t happen overnight and small acts create larger shifts in our lives through compounding effects. I have spent a lot of time “working on myself” only to find out that the work just doesn’t end. I’m a constant work in progress and sort of like my city of NY always under construction.

I will be honest this sort of got me super down at one point - I’m like where’s the trophy? How come there aren’t more commas in my checking account? Why don’t I have a Rolex? But there is no end game in this…well until you die…so I gotta “play” the game of life. Instead of waiting for the final win, I have to enjoy the moments and the process in all of it. Just like someone who has a garden..they enjoy their beautiful flowers, plants, and even the actual fruits of their labor…but they enjoy the process more. The shifting of seasons, planting seeds, tending to their work, the harvest, and even the repetition of it all. A lot of them will even say gardening “Relaxes Them”…How does all that work relax you? Because it lightens mood, and lowers cortisol, and stress levels. It’s very gratifying to plant, tend to, harvest, and share your own food. Once relaxed, you're present and intentional in the entire process. Honestly, that’s what I need to do with my life.

The truth is that myself and my friends are in a shift…. physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. While I have no “instruction manual” for this shift, I spent the better part of last year creating routines for it. I saw firsthand how doing this previously in my life with my Moon Circles added to my overall well-being. By having a little moment of sanctuary for rest, reset, and renewal in my own living room kept me more grounded and focused. I need something I could do every month to prioritize my well—being and support myself on my journey of self—discovery. I also needed like-minded people - And I’m encouraging you to do the same, regardless of whether you want to join us or not.

**What to Expect**

"The Shift" is a monthly gathering for you to be with you. A little oasis where you can kick back, relax, and dive deep into some serious self-care. A safe and nurturing space where you can pause, breathe, and reconnect with yourself. Each session will feature a carefully curated blend of activities, including guided meditation, intention-setting exercises, and transformative discussions. Drawing inspiration from the rhythms of nature and honoring celestial monthly themes we'll explore rituals of self-care, personal growth, and intentional living. Whether you're seeking clarity, inspiration, or simply a moment of pause this is the space…you might even have a breakthrough or two along the way.

**Don’t Stress**

You can join us live or catch up on your own time. These monthly sessions will be a unique blend of collective experience with individual focus. While we gather as a community to support each other, the focus remains on your personal journey. It's all about you, babe—your journey, your growth, you being the main character of your movie.

**Why "The Shift" Matters**

Whether you're craving clarity, peace, or just a little TLC - "The Shift" sessions offer a gentle reminder of the importance of slowing down and tuning into ourselves. It’s a moment where you can just BE. By taking intentional time for rest, reset, and renewal, we can cultivate greater resilience, clarity, and joy in our lives. Each session is an opportunity to honor your inner wisdom and release what no longer serves you. It's your permission slip to slow down, tune in, and be a friend to yourself for once.

**Ready to Shift?**

Registration is now open for upcoming sessions. Simply visit this link to snag your spot today. Sessions will be held monthly with limited spaces , but recordings will be available in case you miss it. I cannot wait to join you in this space.

**Or Take The First Step on Your Terms**

As we navigate these times together, it's essential to prioritize our inner well-being. "The Shift" offers a unique opportunity to slow down, tune in, and befriend ourselves. However, if you're not ready to join us just yet, I encourage you to start incorporating regular routines and rituals into your life that prioritize your overall well-being. In case you need some ideas on how to start creating wellness rituals for yourself, you can check out “Monthly Self-Care Crash Course: A Step-by-Step Guide to Prioritizing You”.

As always thank you for being a part of this community ❤❤ Donna

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Self & Growth, selfcare <3 Donna Self & Growth, selfcare <3 Donna

Self-Care Crash Course: A Guide to Prioritizing You

Sometimes things need to go beyond skincare routines and bubble baths to embrace the essence of who you are and who you aspire to be. I have learned that the journey of self-love, self-discovery, and self-empowerment is sacred and personal. It should honor your truth, celebrate your worth, and nourish your soul from within. Sure no one is going to turn down glowing skin, a warm bath, and a glass of natural wine but if you’re here you know this is all much deeper than that.

We all love thriving and living in abundance - but the moments of life are like a wave - you catch a good one for a minute or maybe a little longer and other times you’re crashing, trying to come up for air, and feeling like you’re in a rip tide. It ebbs and it flows. Somedays are great and other days I don’t want to get out of bed. One thing is for sure though - if I stick to some type of loose routine, even when it gets rough…I can navigate a bit better.

This share is for those who have fallen off from their regular routines, have gotten too caught up in the responsibilities of adulting, and need some quick simple steps they can take to feel present and start to get back on track. These are some of the points we address in The Shift sessions but in case you cannot make it or want to do things on your own, or are too overwhelmed, I thought I’d lay out a foundation of steps you can build on. The entire aspect of self-care that I think is lost upon us is the word SELF…you gotta figure out what works for YOU.

Setting An Intention

When things seem out of control, it's essential to start with intention. Setting clear intentions allows us to align our actions with our values and aspirations, guiding us toward a life filled with purpose and meaning. The intention can be around self-care, taking a break, having some fun, getting rest, or just dumping out all the thoughts swirling in your brain. Regardless, it’s the first step in action and tells your brain, we are moving out of this current mindset so pay attention.

Creating Ritual

It’s best to start with one or two that you can do for the next thirty days. I’m not telling you to overhaul your entire life that honestly is the worst idea when you’re overwhelmed or have fallen off. I’m saying start small. Honestly, go and do something fun. Stop doing. Create a ritual around a daily break - even if it’s 10 minutes. Start with little rituals that make you feel good - maybe sitting and being present when you drink your morning coffee and not scrolling on your phone, or a break from social media, even reading 15 minutes a day. Rituals are the cornerstone of wellness, providing us with moments of pause, reflection, and rejuvenation in our busy lives. From morning routines to bedtime rituals, you need to set a foundation for creating personalized self-care rituals that align with your needs and preferences.

Ask yourself are you craving stillness or seeking adventure? What do you do for yourself that makes you feel amazing? Is it a10-minute morning dance party with yourself or the children before school (if you have them) or bedtime affirmations, or laying out your clothes for the next day?

Further Reading & Watching → How To Date Yourself

Nurturing Mind, Body, and Soul

We need to nurture our entire being, mind, body, and soul. What practices support your overall well-being? Is it mindfulness meditation, intentional movement, or nourishing food? By prioritizing well-rounded care, we can cultivate resilience, vitality, and joy in our lives. It also helps us move out of “crisis self-care” and into preventative self-care…so when a crisis does hit we know how to move through it and have systems of support. True wellness and health starts from within.

Watch ↘ Questions for Becoming The Best Version of You

Cultivating Gratitude

I am the first person to tell you that when the shit hits the fan the hardest thing to do is be grateful. When you’re feeling down, brokenhearted, or stressed this is probably the last thing you want to do. However, studies have shown that it is essential to find gratitude in moments of crisis and not after so we do not “hardwire the brain for bad”. Gratitude doesn’t ask you to ignore the serious issues and tragedies - instead, it tells you that too much attention to what’s bad, is bad for you. Taking a moment to pause for gratitude in other areas of your life can bring your awareness to difficulties you have overcome previously and it can help identify your support systems in the moment.

Wellness & Self Care Are Not A Destination

Remember that self-care is not a destination or outcome, but a process and journey. If you take this approach it becomes a series of events in self-discovery, self-love, and self-compassion. Prioritizing your well-being is essential now in our collective shift - you will only be able to show up for community and family if you show up for yourself. No one can pour from an empty cup. I am continuing to explore additional resources, routines, modalities, and support - I encourage you to do the same. I will continue to share what I learn and collect on this site, my YouTube, and my social channels. Whether you choose to join us for "The Shift" sessions or embark on your journey independently, know that you are worthy of care and deserving of love. If you have any additional ideas for moving through please reach out.

→ Futher Reading : Donna’s Journal - Living with Intention in 2024 & Embracing Purpose

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Can Vision Boards Work? How Do You Make A Vision Board?

If you have been following along you know by now I love vision boards - I also get a huge eye roll from my friends and people around me when I start talking about visualizations and meditating. So I set out to do some research on why vision boards work and how you can make sure they become more than just wall decor.

So if you’re tired of creating vision boards that end up gathering dust in the corner or are very skeptical about making one in the first place - this series is for you. I read a lot of journal articles and did some research on how Vision Boards Connect In with the Reticular Activating System of your brain , how sometimes we need to figure out what we do not want in order to bring in what we do want and how all of this interacts with our subconscious. [Don’t worry Im listing all of the videos in this post - keep scrolling.]

From The Vision Board Brainstorm - learn more here

From my research, the main takeaways were that you need to embark on a mission with these vision boards. It’s not just a one-and-done thing you do on a weekend - it’s something that needs to be continuous. I even started keeping track of my own boards publicly on this site for accountability.

After doing my research I realized this is where a lot of people are dropping the ball (not on purpose…it’s just happening). So I made this series of videos sharing what I learned and then decided to take it a step further for those who were serious about it and created The Vision Board Brainstorm.

So if you ever felt like your vision board was missing that secret sauce? Well, guess what? It probably was. Your boards should be more than just about pretty pictures; it's about diving deep into the science of your mind and crafting a tool that resonates with your wildest dreams. Don’t worry all the videos I made will help you sort this out.

Most people have an idea about their “wildest dreams” but don’t know how to take the first step. In discovering your dreams, you need to shake off what's holding you back, and ultimately allow yourself to have a transformative experience. My series of videos and The Vision Board Brainstorm guide you through exercises that not only lay out your vision board but also bulldoze the blocks standing between you and your success.

Think of it as Science meets Vision Boards, and you finally shake hands with your subconscious and become friends. These methods go way beyond the surface and help you get what you want out of life.

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Divination Tools, Self & Growth <3 Donna Divination Tools, Self & Growth <3 Donna

Enhancing Self-Care with Astrology: Insights for Personal Growth & Transformation

An astrologer telling a lady's fortune. Lithography by J Prat after CC Renoux. Created between 1835 and 1841?. Credit Wellcome Collection

Astrology is like a secret sauce for getting a grip on yourself. Astrology can be great for self-care and personal growth because it helps you understand yourself on a deeper level - I like to think of it as an unconditionally loving parent - it’s proud of you and tells you how great you are, but will also tell you where you’re not so great, or the things holding you back, or traits that can work against you. It can help you realize where you're stuck and uncover the “whys”, or “how come”, or maybe why the same challenges and blocks keep coming up for you.

It can help you see the reasons behind your recurring ABILITY TO NOT SEE THE RED FLAGS and keep making the same mistakes

I don’t like to use it so much as predictive or absolute. I use it as a tool - sort of like when I look at the weather to know if I should bring an umbrella, or wear a coat - I might not need the coat, it might not even rain but at least I’m thinking ahead. Think of it as a cosmic GPS. Now, let me be clear, astrology won't solve all your problems or be your therapist (there’s my disclaimer), it’s another tool to have in the toolbox of ways to tackle life and your growth. As much as I ask people for their signs and use them as an icebreaker at parties - I mostly enjoy it as a way to connect with people and myself. I never sum someone up based on their sign - there are so many layers to people.

A fortune-teller is reading a young woman's hand: Engraving, 1700/1750. Created 1700–1750.

Will all that being said I created a video and podcast [linked below] on how I utilize astrology for my own self-care and deep dives when it comes to expression, emotions, my blocks, and ways to be more authentically myself. It has helped me take better care and cultivate different approaches to being present for myself. It can be challenging to determine what exactly you require on a given day. Astrology and horoscopes can assist you in narrowing down and gaining a better understanding of your self-care needs for a particular day. They provide guidance and insights that can help in identifying what one might be seeking in terms of self-care.

The Intentions, Gratitude & Astro Manifesting Workbook

only on the → Instant Download

Video Session : Astrology - The Secret Sauce To A Better Life ↓

Here are some ways to self-care for the different sun, moon, & rising signs.

Image from page 244 of "The mystic test book; or, The magic of the cards. Giving the mystic meaning of these wonderful and ancient emblems in their relationship to the heavenly bodies, under all conditions; with rules and processes for reading or delineat - The Library of Congress

  • Aries: As a fire sign, Aries tend to have a lot of energy and can benefit from physical activities like exercise or dance. Take the time to indulge in your passions and hobbies to keep your spirit uplifted.

  • Taurus: Taurus loves indulging in the finer things in life, so treat yourself to a luxurious bubble bath, aromatherapy, or a cozy night in with your favorite comfort foods.

  • Gemini: Gemini loves to communicate and learn, so try journaling, meditating, or taking up a new skill or hobby to stimulate your mind and keep your thoughts positive.

  • Cancer: As a water sign, Cancer needs to prioritize emotional self-care. Make sure you surround yourself with people who uplift you and take time to nurture yourself with activities like art or nature walks.

  • Leo: Leos love to be the center of attention, so indulge in activities that allow you to shine, like dance or theater. Make sure to pamper yourself with a spa day or a shopping trip.

  • Virgo: Virgos are natural organizers, so take the time to tidy up your space and create a comfortable and calming environment. Practice self-care by treating yourself to a healthy meal or indulging in your favorite tea.

  • Libra: As a sign of balance, Libras benefit from activities that promote harmony, like yoga or meditation. Make time for social activities and surround yourself with people who uplift you.

  • Scorpio: Scorpios are intense and emotional, so practice self-care by indulging in activities like hot baths, massages, or listening to music that speaks to your soul.

  • Sagittarius: Sagittarius loves adventure and learning, so take time to explore new things and plan a trip. Practice self-care by taking breaks from your work and spending time in nature.

  • Capricorn: Capricorns are natural leaders, so make sure to prioritize self-care by delegating tasks and taking breaks from your responsibilities. Indulge in activities that allow you to relax, like reading or taking a warm bath.

  • Aquarius: As a free spirit, Aquarius benefits from activities that promote independence, like solo travel or creative pursuits. Practice self-care by indulging in hobbies that bring you joy.

  • Pisces: Pisces are sensitive and intuitive, so make time for self-care activities that allow you to tap into your creativity, like painting or writing. Indulge in activities that bring you peace, like a warm bath or a cozy night in.

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Travel, Self & Growth <3 Donna Travel, Self & Growth <3 Donna

Inner Child Healing: What is it & How Can it Help You?

If you're wondering what inner child healing is, you're not alone. It's a way for adults to take care of themselves by addressing parts of themselves that need love or healing based on what happened to them when they were younger. Positive and negative experiences from childhood can shape how we communicate, show up in relationships, and even how we treat ourselves later on in life.

It's not a little person inside of you, but rather your subconscious mind that has been formed by experiences and traumas from ages 0-9.

So, who exactly is this inner child? These experiences, or lack thereof, can affect how you show up in your adult life. Science has shown that the right side of our brain, responsible for emotions and creativity, is formed in the first five years of life, making it crucial to our overall well-being. While, the inner adult is governed by the left side of our brain, which is responsible for logic, reasoning, and analysis. It collects and analyzes the lessons and experiences we've had throughout our lives. So if that child was not tended to, it’s needs were not met, was told it couldn’t express itself, to stop crying, toughen up, and also have to navigate traumas alone - it can all show up in your adult life.

How do you know if you need inner child healing? Childhood wounds can lead to imposter syndrome, depression, anxiety, unhealthy coping mechanisms, unhealthy relationships, and more.

Here are some ideas and ways you can “parent” that inner child now in your adult life:

  • Writing letters or cards to yourself, sending yourself flowers, and looking at photos of yourself can all help to cultivate self-love and self-compassion.

  • Going to therapy can also be incredibly helpful in identifying and working through emotional triggers and patterns.

  • Inner child meditation and breathwork can be great practices for connecting with your emotions and building self-awareness.

  • Guided journaling and asking yourself how you really feel each morning can also help you to tune into your emotions and understand what may be causing them.

  • Mirror work can be a powerful practice for building self-love and acceptance, and going out and playing can be a great way to release stress and reconnect with your inner child.

  • Giving yourself the gift of doing the things you didn’t get to do as a child. Taking yourself to places, on vacations, or participate in activities you were not able to. Even buying yourself the presents you always wanted and never received.

  • Showing up for yourself and tending to the ways you did not have security, support of the ways to express yourself as a child.

Keep exploring and experimenting with different practices and modalities to find what works best for you. Remember to be patient and gentle with yourself, and celebrate the progress you make along the way.

And if you want you can listen to this episode where I explain Inner Child Healing and take a deep dive on additiona; ways to explore it ↓

I took a trip to Disney and Universal Studios and did some inner child healing with the trip - I share my time there as well as my experience in this VLOG ↓

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Self & Growth, Travel <3 Donna Self & Growth, Travel <3 Donna

The Art of Je Ne Sais Quoi: How to Stand Out with Effortless Charm

↓Je ne sais quoi : The Effortless & Joyful Approach to Life - full session

Je Ne Sais Quoi : The Art Of Effortless Charm
Audio / Podcast Session

When I was in Paris I got the chance to hang out with some very inspiring and chic Parisian women. They all embodied that Je No Sais Quoi or effortless, “can’t put your finger on it”, “draw you in”, and “I want to know more about her” vibe. What I learned from my time with them is that Je No Sais Quoi is effortless, simple, and natural - you cannot buy it. The women I spent time with shared some of the secrets “to their essence” - for one they listen to themselves, their bodies, Intuition, their spirits, and that inner voice above everything else. They move through life without letting anyone else define them and keep their values and priorities front and center. From my time there I realized Je Ne Sais Quoi comes out of personal and, regular care to the mind, body, and spirit. It cannot be replicated, it’s individual, and cannot be explained but instead, you just have to experience it and live it.

These women have an aura that just draws you in

It’s about personal style, beauty routines, and nurturing the soul as much as the body. It’s about tending to your skin and having routines that enhance your natural beauty and natural features instead of trying to look like someone else or putting on a mask. It’s your personality being just as unique as your outfit and accessories. It’s about finding your own formula when it comes to skincare and your wardrobe, being timeless, and not always following the trends. It’s about simplicity, balance, taking your time, and enjoying the process. It’s about being confident and comfortable in your own skin, it cannot be bought or learned it needs to be done - It’s a way of life and finding pleasure in the regular, everyday, and even the most routine.

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Self & Growth, Get Outside Donna Guerreros Self & Growth, Get Outside Donna Guerreros

Dating Yourself : Teaches Others How To Treat You

If you’re not treating yourself well & prioritizing you - what message are you sending to others in your life?

If there is one thing we all can agree on - it’s that living in this dumpster fire is not easy. It’s overwhelming and fast-paced, and we can tend to really forget about ourselves. Plus we have the internet, people in our lives, and social media telling us what we should like or should be into at a given moment of the day. It’s a lot.

We tend to put ourselves on the back burner quite frequently and while we are running our lives with what everyone else wants to do or what they like - we don’t make time to do what we like. This leads to things like burnout and emotional exhaustion. It makes us detached and has us feeling a “failing to thrive”. We might not even know what we “like” to do anymore. So when people ask us “What would make you happy right now?” - the response in your head is usually “Well if I knew that I wouldn’t be having this conversation right now…would we Sharon?!?!”

Failure To Thrive - Treat Yourself Like You Want To Be Treated
Audio Session

This was the case for me a few years ago ( I go deeper into it on this podcast episode) and what I found was that “Dating Myself” was what I really needed. Plus therapy and some other things. But this is about this.

My friend J.F. sent me the book The Artist’s Way and with it in hand, I set out to figure out new interests, while remembering the old things I like that I let slip away. I also had to get real with myself and let go of the things that really weren’t bringing me any joy anymore but I was holding onto “just because…”

I know what you're thinking - "What? Date myself? Isn't that just being alone?". Yes…sort of.. But hear me out. Dating yourself is all about prioritizing your own needs and figuring out what you want to do. Not going along with the crowd. It's about cultivating a healthy relationship with yourself, just like you would with a partner, a friend, or anyone you have a close relationship with.

So why should you date yourself?

  • Self-discovery: Dating yourself allows you to explore your interests, values, and desires. You can get out of your comfort zone, try new things, do what excites you, and be fully present in it.

  • Self-care: When you date yourself, you prioritize your own needs and take care of yourself. You can take yourself on dates, buy yourself gifts, or do things that make you feel good. This helps you learn how to speak your own language and then gives you the confidence to let those in your life know how to treat you.

  • Independence: When you learn to enjoy your own company, you become more independent. You don't need someone else to fill your cup, or bring you joy - you do it for yourself.

  • Boundaries:  When you stop relying on others for your happiness you aren’t afraid to say “you don’t want to do something” or say “ no”.

So if you’re thinking - Ok this sounds great…but give me some ideas here Donna. Here are some things I’ve made a part of my “Date Myself” Ritual.

  • Take yourself on a date: just like you would go out of your way to plan a date for a partner or friends visiting from out of town - do it for yourself. I know pretty simple. But…see how hard it is to follow thru on that.

  • Splurge on Yourself: a new outfit, a new piece of jewelry, that piece of luggage for your travels, a trip, a book, a haircut, a day at the spa - whatever you want.

  • Set Aside a Block of Time Daily or Weekly For JUST YOU - just like you spend time on social, or texting or FaceTiming friends - take a chunk of that time and be social with yourself.

  • Get a hobby: Take up a new hobby or activity - Use this time to explore your interests and learn new skills.

  • Travel solo:  One of the best things I ever did was start solo traveling - it can be a weekend, a day trip, or a week alone.

  • Journal: Start with simple things like a brain dump, or daily gratitude..from there you can dig deeper. Journaling and reviewing my thoughts, emotions, and ideas has helped me so much. I even took the journal/planner I made for myself and put it in the Donas Shop.

  • Vision Boarding: if you know me, you know I love vision boarding. Just like we ask our friends and children their wildest dreams we should ask ourselves. Vision boarding is a great way to do what.

If you want more of this …listen to the podcast below or get some more ideas and my personal shares in the video

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Self & Growth <3 Donna Self & Growth <3 Donna

Can Intuition Be Learned? How to Develop Your Intuition: A Guide to Unlocking Your Inner Wisdom

The Simple Answer Is Yes. We are all intuitive by nature - we are animals. We have fight or flight. We can sense threats and danger. Some of us are better at it than others. But Why?

Intuitive People make time for and prioritize - Introspection, Solitude, Authenticity, Empathy, Safe Spaces, Exploration, Creativity, and Mindfulness.

How? Intuitive people understand that intuition is a muscle and like a muscle if you don’t use it, it gets weak. If you exercise it and nurture it - it strengthens.

↓Listen to the full session

Are you looking to tap into your inner wisdom and develop your intuition? If so, you're not alone. Many people want to enhance their intuitive abilities but aren't sure where to start. The good news is that intuition can be learned and developed over time. l have explored this over the past few years and wanted to share some practical steps to help you cultivate your own intuition.


This method is probably the first place to start - check in with yourself. Ask yourself “How Am I?”. Perform body scans to see where and what you are feeling in your body and emotions. Reflect on your day and interactions. Talk about and honor your feelings/ emotions. They let the intuition come forward in their bodies so that know how to move through a situation

Additional Practices & Routines that have worked for me:

  • Embrace solitude: detach from others' opinions and spend time with yourself to recharge and reflect.

  • Prioritize authenticity: be your authentic self in every space and act from your values.

  • Cultivate empathy: put yourself in others' shoes, pick up on social cues, and hold space for others.

  • Seek safe spaces: go where you are celebrated and welcome others in need of acceptance.

  • Explore new experiences and learning opportunities to develop self-awareness and intuition.

  • Embrace creativity: trust your intuition to guide you, find unique solutions to problems, and stay open to new ideas.

  • Practice mindfulness: focus on the present moment, pause before reacting, and ask yourself what's best for everyone.

Pay attention to your dreams

Dreams can be a powerful tool for unlocking your intuition. Keep a dream journal & write down your dreams as soon as you wake up. Look for patterns and recurring symbols in your dreams, as they may hold important messages for you.

↓ Watch the Session

Science Stuff: Intuitive thinking is often associated with creativity, while analytical reasoning is linked to logic and problem-solving. A balance of both is necessary for well-rounded decision-making. Some people may be emotional responders who need time to process information, while others may be sacral responders who rely on their gut feelings.

  • Trust your gut: Your gut instincts are often your intuition trying to communicate with you. Pay attention to those "gut feelings" and trust them, even if they don't seem to make sense at the time.

  • Practice active listening: To be intuitive, you need to be a good listener. Practice active listening by really focusing on what the other person is saying, and try to understand their perspective. This will help you pick up on subtle cues and emotions that can inform your intuition.

  • Spend time in nature: Spending time in nature can be a powerful way to connect with your intuition. Take a walk in the woods, sit by the ocean, or simply spend some time in your backyard. Allow yourself to be present in the moment and see what insights come to you.

  • Practice mindfulness meditation: Mindfulness meditation is a powerful way to quiet the mind and connect with your intuition.

  • Use divination tools: Divination tools, such as tarot cards, runes, or pendulums, can be a helpful way to access your intuition. These tools can help you tap into your subconscious mind and uncover hidden insights and truths.

Remember, intuition is a skill that can be developed with practice and patience. By incorporating these ideas into your daily life, you can become more in tune with your intuition and trust yourself to make decisions based on your inner wisdom.

Understand that intuition is a muscle - and like a muscle, it can be strengthened.

More Reading : Article from Scientific American - Can We Rely On Our Intuition?

intuition, develop intuition, inner wisdom, introspection, solitude, authenticity, empathy, safe spaces, exploration, creativity, mindfulness, analytical reasoning, intuitive thinking

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