Full Moon In Leo - I Will : Mantra, Journaling, and Rituals
The Full moon in Leo - Just be you, Celebrate your unique & Expand your heart
The Full New Moon is all about self-love, being the best version of you, honoring and celebrating what makes you - UNIQUE. This blast of energy is going to have you wanting to be creative and doing everything at once. You must make space for the new, by clearing out the old. This energy will only be good if you harness it. This cycle is about building self-confidence. It's time to come out of hiding and stop your self-limiting beliefs. It is time to stop holding yourself back from moving, creating, and doing for fear of rejection or judgment. You have been your harshest critic all along and that ends today. It's time to step into your power and purpose. It's time to share your best self with the world and let go of what has been holding you back. Leo rules the heart and spine - how can we ask for the love and admiration of others if we do not first love ourselves? It's time to strengthen our backbone, stand up tall, and bask in the light.
“This moon is asking you to embody all the things that make you, YOU.”
At least once a week for this cycle step outside and stand in the sun. Let it pour over you, feel the warmth on your face (don’t' forget to wear sunscreen), and take in a sunset or sunrise this month. Appreciate the beauty.
Write down 3 things YOU WILL…either do, say, create or manifest
I will shine brighter than the sun.
Has your pride been a blessing or a curse? What has it led you towards, what has it kept you from? What creative project do you want to start? How will you be more creative this month?