Full Moon In Gemini: The Twins - Integrating the Shadow & Light Of Yourself
Geminis don't want to be the wallflower, they want to live in it. These social butterflies need a lot of variety and mental stimulation and so will you this season. It's time for new experiences, meeting new people, and going out, and being with others. But be careful don't get yourself ping-ponging in too many directions. Gemini season will have you social and funny… charisma is not lacking at all. Geminis will literally talk to anyone about anything and chances are they know something about ANY topic at hand...this sign knows a little bit about everything but sometimes only scratches the surface level and never gets too deep. Ask yourself where do you need to stay surface level this month and where you need to go deeper?
“It’s time for the Twins To be Better Friends”
The energy is light, airy, & balanced if we let it be. Finally, it's uplifting & encouraging - What behaviors and traits do you still need to work on?
Your curiosity and the social scene might be calling to you now more than ever. This energy wants you to be out & about, but be careful to not get too caught up with too many dates penciled in on the calendar and involved in the gossip. Geminis love to talk it up and be chatty…being is social is one thing, but GOSSIP is a whole other thing. Gemini rules the throat chakra. Think before you speak…especially about others.
While we are on the subject of “THINKING” the mantra for Gemini is "I Think" - what are you thinking lately? About yourself? Your surroundings? Your social life? What do you want to learn or become better at?
“Hey, I’m No Wallflower ”
The Twins remind us that there are so many layers to us - the side the world sees and the side we keep to ourselves. Where are you meeting and integrating your twin?!? The workaholic VS the Social Butterfly, the heartbroken VS the one who is ready for love, the Talker VS the Listener, the student VS the teacher. How will you help them get along? ✨
Say Nice Things About Others: Instead of gossip turn to compliments
Get A Manicure: Gemini rules the hands - get yourself a manicure
Where are you meeting and integrating your twin?!? ?
How are you integrating all the layers of yourself??
Where can I choose my words better?