New Moon In Virgo : Ground, Lay Foundations, Fix The Cracks
This moon is about being practical, grounded, and building and advancing areas of your life that you have laid the groundwork for. Foundations, restructuring, and Iterations are the energies we will be surrounded by and should be taking advantage of.
This earth sign brings with it grounded energy that gives us the confidence and vision to try something new or restructure something we have already begun on…we might be putting an end to old ways, family “traditions” that do not mesh with us, healing our ancestral cycles or breaking them. For many of us, the generational patterns that no longer serve are ending with us, and while this shift can be powerful, it can feel exhausting, uneasy, and chaotic.
There is a lot of self-awareness under this new moon so turn those eyes and ears on yourself as well, have you been listening to that inner voice? Seeing the whole picture, or paying attention to the details? This moon energy is ripe for tailoring and refining our jobs, careers, health, wellness, and self-care routines. What did you do for you this week?
Want to take your monthly manifesting deeper?
It’s time to organize and put personal systems in place that will bring less stress down the road. This is major WORK IT energy but don’t get too in your head or overly analytical that it gets you stuck.
Work routines, daily routine and health can also be tackled at this time. The month will be rounded out by the Full Moon in Pisces on the 20th, bringing us full circle and balancing out our need to balance our spiritual and emotional health and wellness. Mercury in retro will be finishing up the month on September 27th in the sign of Libra - showing us once again what needs to be balanced, what we have neglected or haven’t learned, and reminding us balance is everything.
“Virgo energy is about details, processing, work, and discipline.”
It's time to come up with an action plan and create strategies for your best life. This is "no time for bullshit" type of energy, everything can be yours if you stay focused and disciplined.
“What is important to you and what you hold sacred should be your top priority right now”
What do you want as an individual? What do you need? Not the things society and advertising and everyone with an opinion tells you that you need. What do you actually need? What makes you happy? How can you be a better human to society by filling your cup? Boundaries? Better Routines? Letting go of bad habits that hold you back.... but are, oh so familiar? This month it’s time to ask yourself how is your relationship to yourself ? Do you hold that relationship as sacred as you do to others?
Buy flowers for your home or office. Treat yourself to a good home cooked meal (or order in some food that reminds you of your fav childhood meal) - Virgo rules the digestive system.
Write down 3 goals (both long-term and short-term)
"I promise to be kind and gentle with myself and let go of anything that does not allow love to live in me.”
What can I give myself space to heal from so I don’t feel stuck and can move forward with all the things I want for my life? What have I overcome? What do I need to over come? What are my intentions for the next six months?