The New Moon In Aries : I AM - The Power of Self and Intention Setting
In 2019 I was under the beautiful Aries new moon in Los Angeles in a Moon Ceremony led at Liberate Hollywood. Setting my intentions and identifying the things I wanted to bring into the next year of my life, as well as all I wanted to let go of.
The Aries New Moon energy is strong. I have been debating for a minute on whether to include some astrology stuff on this platform. Many of you have given a lot of positive feedback about knowing the Sun Signs of some of the women featured in The Donas and it's become a significant part of the gatherings and events that I have hosted in NYC. Also, one thing I can count on with this community is if you don't like tell me <3 So sound off below with your feedback.
“Who am I? Who do I want to be? What do I want to learn about myself during this time? ”
Aries is the sign of self. And I am. Also in astrology, the New Year does not start in January, it starts in Aries Season and Spring. So first off - Happy Astro New Year !! It is not surprising that Aries is the first sign of the zodiac year. This sign is the born head of the zodiac. It is a sign of tenacity and cardinal fire, brimming with energy, a warrior spirit and bravery. The new moon in Aries brings the energy of the warrior with her, so be aware if you feel restless, anxious, want to "get it done" , or your emotions are heightened right now. Coupled with staying inside, the anxiety of COVID, and feeling helpless as to how to act, it's no surprise that emotions are even more heightened right now. Try to redirect this energy into the positive and creative, instead of caving into it. Don't wage war with yourself. Use this new moon to harness your power and decide what your story will be from this time. How will you walk away from this and assist in creating change for yourself and the collective? Many who are not on the front lines of this are being forced to sit with themselves, go inward and just be. Redirect your anxieties and look to the future: create, dance, workout, set up a new routine, reset yourself. Think about your intentions for the next 6 months. What seeds do you want to plant this Spring? Aries is the sign of Self - learn about yourself now. How do you want life to look for yourself and your community this time next year? What are you going to do to make these things happen? Envision the life you want for yourself - write it down. Manifest it. What's happening outside can easily seep in and distract us from what we ultimately want for ourselves.
“ I am amazing, I am me, I create, I do, I am magic. Nothing can stop me. ”
For this new moon answer the following questions. Who am I? Who do I want to be? Have I tapped into my destiny? If not what do I need to set into motion now to make these things bloom? What do I want to learn about myself during this time? What needs to be changed? How will we plan this and communicate my desires more effectively?
Friction is abundant now - how are you going to stay focused on your goals? How will you let go of the past and have the courage to start something new?
Things to be aware of: Anger, frustrations, miscommunications, temper tantrums, "say it like it is attitude" and being too blunt.
Mind Your Head: Aries rules the head, so we are prone to headaches, sinus pressure, and eye strain. Meditate, reduce stress, limit screen time, drink plenty of water
Stretch: Aries wanna go, go, and be on the move - don't forget to stretch and slow down for a minute and breathe
Short Attention Spans: plan ahead; write out your task lists and goals for the week, prep your food.
You are ready for what lies ahead and must trust in yourself. You are being asked to take control of your life and being forced to look at things in new ways - without the rose-colored glasses. Tension and uncomfortability can come up when we see things for how they really are - including the good and bad within ourselves. Harness this energy and use the fire of Aries to tap into "the power of self" and have the courage to be the version of you, you have always desired. Nows your time babygirl.
Aries Season Mantra:
I am amazing, I am me, I create, I do, I am magic. Nothing can stop me.
Manifest and Journal Prompts for Aries Season:
I'd like to create :
I can vibe higher by:
I really want _____ but I can let this go, so what I need can come to me.
I release: Release things that no longer serve you, those things you've been meaning to let go of for so long.
My biggest self-doubt and fear is _____ . Today, I release that so I can be my best self.
Guided Meditation Aries Season: here
When Aries are hungry they need to eat "RIGHT NOW" or that temper starts to flare.
What you'll be craving: red meat, red wine, and flavorful rich comfort foods - don't go overboard. Try some cooling recipes that incorporate foods like olives, beans, brown rice, cucumber, spinach, apricots, pumpkin, and banana.
Think convenience: meal prep ahead, so you can get to that task list of 100+ items.
Oh and also SLOW DOWN, enjoy your meal, and savor the bites.
Also, I know you're in your own personal hell right now, cause we LOVE to EAT OUT - but we will be back at it soon enough. Till then.... here are some recipes to try.
Some Recipes To Try For Aries Season:
Vegan Pumpkin Mac & Cheese
courtesy of Minimalist Baker
Butter Overnight Oats
courtesy of Minimalist Baker
Patti LaBelle’s Mac & Cheese
Asian Sesame Cucumber Salad
courtesy of Will Cook For Friends
Quick & Dirty Flat Top Double Cheeseburgers
courtesy of Salt Pepper Skillet