The Donas Social Club Celebrates International Women's Day
Well, we had a party, we all felt good and then….
It has taken me a minute to write this post and send out the photos from our last Donas event for a few reasons. One, I was so overwhelmed after last week with the outpouring of support from my friends, family, followers of the project, and total strangers that I needed more than a day to process it. Two: I didn’t want to be insensitive to what was happening in our lives.
As I was starting to sort through images and pull everything together...things starting changing in our world and cities because of the COVID-19 pandemic. I was torn between multiple worlds of group chats, my nurse friends and hospital workers who were seeing what was happening in China and Italy. Fearing for a public health crisis and pandemic, as well as their own personal safety. Having to be on the front lines of fighting this virus that we are learning more about minute to minute. The other side of it, my friends and family in the restaurant, small business and comedy worlds. With many people I know relying on the public, their community, patrons, and "close company" as the backbone of their income. I was quickly getting a very broad and multi-level perspective of how this was going to impact many different subgroups of people I know.
All images Shot by Maxwell Brooks, Mickey Hutchings and Donna Guerreros
I decided to shift gears for a minute. I did the best I could, which was trying to educate my followers from a healthcare and restaurant/ service industry perspective - while knowing my expertise lies in the healthcare sector - as I've been a nurse for almost 15 years.
Right now things are uncertain, and uncertainty is a motherfucker. It's scary, the unknown is scary - people are being told to stay home, schools closed, to send employees home, close their businesses. While others like first responders are being told to prepare to not be at home for maybe days at a time, and to prep our homes in case we are exposed. I am not one to lean into fear-mongering, my background is critical care, it's where I thrive and can keep a level head in a healthcare emergency. But that's me..not necessarily you, or your friends. Be patient with people right now. Have compassion. Listen without judgment. Educate one another with facts. Don't dismiss someone, educate them. There is a lot of ignorance and naivety surrounding this - trust reputable news sources and not Instagram influencers. Support Local Business in the best way you can. Order takeout (Grub hub is doing doorstep delivery), pick up the food yourself. Check-in on a neighbor or elderly person (from a distance) and see if you can get them something. If you know a nurse or first responder - check in with them and ask them if you can pick up groceries. They are working 12 -18-hour shifts and need sleep when they are home. Waiting in long lines is really not a luxury for them right now. Ask them if you can take in their pet or foster their animals while they are working. The truth is people (most definitely someone you know) is going get exposed and or and sick. This is the reality of what we are dealing with. Use common sense. Wash your hands. Don't touch your face. Social Distance is a REAL thing and can help flatten the curve and spread.
While you're home and stuck inside during this time - support artists and content creators. Listen to podcasts, buy albums, support comedians and creatives. Sign up for their Patreon accounts, Venmo venues the cost of a ticket if they are virtually streaming DJ sets, yoga classes, or shows. There are workarounds. People are resilient as fuck and if there is one thing I've learned is "it doesn't get easier, you get better." This has been a huge spotlight on racial, socio-economic, government and health care disparities locally and worldwide. But let's save that for when people are through this and we can address things that are long overdue.
In the meantime, facetime with friends, get a group chats going, make lists of the restaurants you are wanting to eat at - buy a gift card now, share your favorite artists and creatives on your social channels. And remember after a few weeks of social distancing, we will all be back at it even harder than before. You already know... I'm planning a huge party and the next Donas event from my couch right now. Until then, let's reminisce about some fun (last week to be exact) - when a group of beautiful souls, of all ages, races, and backgrounds got together to celebrate International Women's Day. They created community, supported small businesses, artists and the food industry. They arrived for themselves and most importantly one another.
Thank you to my wonderful friends who came out and supported. To the Donas Community, your help and support mean the world. Thank you for letting me create a space for you and for encouraging me and my ideas constantly. To our new friends - thanks for taking a chance and spending your day with us.
he comedians Aminah Imani, Molly Austin, Krystyna Hutchinson, and Ayanna Dookie - thank you for sharing your stories and personal experiences. To our vendors: Kylie from End of Story, Madeline from Coco’s Musings, Jefeny from Jai Jupiter Jems, Imane from Neon Lace Company, Erin from Simple and Blush, Diane Lee - Reiki Healer and Crystal Connoisseur, Corinne and Krystina for copies of their book. Thank you to our amazing DJ Anna Collecta , Our photographers: Maxwell Brooks and Mickey Hutchings for documenting the day so beautifully. To Kylie, Thalia, Noelle of Cafe Belle, my girl Irene and Miriam for coming out early and helping us decorate, blow up balloons and setup. Dan and Alexis for troubleshooting all things digital. Lim Violet and Tara Kaur for their wonderful tarot card readings and spiritual guidance. And finally Nima, Clayton, and liza from Gelso and Grand - thanks for giving me space and supporting me with my crazy ideas. See you all at the next one.
PS: I have more photos that the attendees took but with current business closure in NYC its been a little longer in processing time. They will be posted very soon. <3
For the rest of the