New Moon In Virgo : Focus, Discipline and The Details
This Virgo New Moon is about being practical. It's a moon about recreating balance in all aspects of your life. Virgo is the healer. What is important to you and what you hold sacred should be your top priority right now.
“Virgo energy is about details, processing, work, and discipline.”
You need a fast refocus and shift of your priorities. Virgo energy is about details, processing, work, and discipline. It's time to come up with an action plan and create strategies for your best life. This is "no time for bullshit" type of energy, everything can be yours if you stay focused and disciplined.
Keep in mind that Virgo can be too much of a perfectionist and weigh themselves down with all the minor details. Nothing and no one is perfect. Don't get stuck over-analyzing that you miss what's right in front of you.
“What is important to you and what you hold sacred should be your top priority right now”
What do you want as an individual? What do you need? Not the things society and advertising and everyone with an opinion tells you that you need. What do you actually need? What makes you happy? How can you be a better human to society by filling your cup? Boundaries? Better Routines? Letting go of bad habits that hold you back.... but are, oh so familiar? Only you know BB. Virgo is a mutable sign, it adapts and can take on the personas of many - this is the time to ask for things, multi-task, dream big. This is easy energy to make some new changes in your habits, personality, and routines that will help you get where you want to go. Remove yourself from situations or people that don't appreciate your talents, your presence, and what you bring to the table. Are you being used? Or appreciated? Keep yourself around people who continue to help you learn new things and want to build with you for the long term, not that quick good time or ego boost they get from being around you. Virgo can be very nostalgic and look for the good in all things and people but It's time to release the energy vampires - thank them for the growth their presence in your life brought and bid them adieu.
Buy flowers for your home or office. Treat yourself to a good home cooked meal (or order in some food that reminds you of your fav childhood meal) - Virgo rules the digestive system.
Write down 3 goals (both long-term and short-term) - How can you apply more discipline and structure to your life to achieve these goals? What bad habits need to go in order for you to have more structure and focus your efforts?
"I promise to be kind and gentle with myself and let go of anything that does not allow love to live in me.”
What can I give myself space to heal from so I don’t feel stuck and can move forward with all the things I want for my life? What have I overcome? What do I need to over come? What are my intentions for the next six months?