The New Moon In Capricorn Intentions - Maturity, Boundaries, and Discipline
The Capricorn New Moon & Season is all about rebuilding and restructuring, from society to our personal lives, nothing is off-limits. Capricorns are known to be stoic, wise, responsible, and disciplined - not surprising at all for the oldest of the earth signs. They are good with money, budgeting, and make great managers. Capricorn is the sign of structure and we can take a lesson from them when it comes to setting boundaries for ourselves and others. Where do you need more boundaries in your life? Where has restriction helped you? where has too much kept you back?
“Where have restrictions and boundaries helped you?”
Let’s not forget that Capricorns are known for being serious, sometimes overly pessimistic, and can feel overburdened by responsibility. If you need to schedule in some fun to counteract this energy or all the items in your grand plan - DO IT!
In our lives there’s this energy of brewing below the surface, like water waiting to boil - things we have been working on, putting energy into and have been taking a snail’s pace, will slowly start to show us it has been for a reason. The things that are not working will shine brighter to us so we cannot avoid them much longer. This will intensify the “rising like the Phoenix feeling”. Some of the things we have broken down in our personal lives and society as a whole are going to need to be rebuilt. This Time is ALL About Rebuilding.
It’s time to build stronger foundations with this moon. You cannot build on a cracked foundation, so it’s up to you to decide if you want to start over, implode the foundation and build new, or fix the cracks before you can build higher and stronger
“Rebuild & Restructure”
Set intentions for what you want now to transpire over the next 6 months culminating with the Full Moon In Capricorn. Figure out where to bring in the positive signs and traits of Capricorn to help you fix structures, think big, and understand that slow and steady wins the race.
Love, Donna
Take a walk, connect with the Earth. The Capricorn is represented by the SeaGoat - if you can take in the water and the mountains - even better.
Maintenance: just like a car - our routines and bodies need maintenance - are there doctors appointments, check-ups, systems, and routines in place in your life that need to be re-looked at? Now is a good time.
“My foundation is solid.”
“I am reliable and committed to myself first - which gives me the energy and determination to stay the course for the long haul.”
Where can I plan to make more time for myself? Without the restrictions and instead, tap into what I need at that moment.
How can I start to nurture my dream of success and see it realistically and practically? How can I measure my growth so I can see how far I’ve come or what I have accomplished in the past?
Where have restrictions and boundaries helped me previously? Where have they held me back? How can I lift some of the restrictions I have put on myself? Where can I bring in more joy and spontaneity?