Full Moon In Aries - The Goddess of War and The Beauty Of New Beginnings
With the Full moon In Aries, you will be feeling deep and hard and having to develop or use your emotional maturity around this moon.
We can feel the independence, the courage, and energy firing up. We might also be a bit more competitive than usual and a touch more selfish. Don't let the fire fuel your negative traits, instead let it carry you, give spark to fresh starts, and let you take charge in the areas where you need it.
“Aries: I AM.. The Goddess of War”
Aries embodies fresh starts and living in the moment, seizing opportunities and the day that is right in front of them. They take action, sometimes a little too quick, and when grounded and in touch with their powerhouse have the ability to listen to their intuition and let their impulses guide them to the right choices. However, this impulsive energy can be quite destructive if they don't know how to harbor and keep the reigns on it.
“Where might you be taking things a little too personally?”
Aries energy can be quick to be defensive either from a hot temper of insecurity or from feeling out of control either in situations or with their emotions. Remember in your quest to take back the world, warrior child, that you don't need to leave a path of destruction behind you. Aries loves to lead and start, but you will also need the other signs to help you carry on, tie up loose ends and clean up. Leaders need an army and warriors need tending to as well. While the Aries Mantra is I AM, you are NOT alone little ram and don't need to be. Know your limitations and the limitations of those around you.
No One embodies the saying " The only way out is through" quite like the warrior Goddess and ram. There may have to be a surrender or exchange… either in time, money, pain, or emotions, in order to find yourself navigating through and making it to the other side. But the warrior does not give up, even if they end up on the other side bruised and a bit broken. The resilient will not only fix themselves up again, but they will also have quite a tale to tell about the journey. This moon is about moving forward without fear… see you on the other side.
Burn That Sh*t: Write down every one of your insecurities and set them on fire, and watch them burn. They are no longer holding you back.
Selfie Queen: Get dressed up, and embody your best self…find someplace to go or head over to the best wall ya got and snap, snap, away.
“I AM…"
“I AM ME. I am strong, I am resilient and I wear my heart on my sleeve like a badge of courage. I am a warrior.”
Where do you feel like you're being boxed in or are living in the golden cage? Are you putting yourself there out of fear of spreading your wings?
Where are you reacting? Where are you being too defensive? Where have you lost yourself? How can you take your power back?
What inspires you? What ignites you? Where can you put this into practice in your life?