New Moon In Pisces - Connect with the magic within you
Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, they take with them all the lessons of the previous signs. They are alluring, enigmatic and sometimes hard to figure out. Mostly they are empathic, sensitive, and in touch with their feelings. And oh do they feel.
“Connect with the magic within you and give yourself the benefit of the doubt”
This Pisces New Moon is also calling in our compassion, intuition, and our perceptions - all will be heightened during this time. We may feel more dreamy than usual, embrace it and let it make a change in your life. It's a great time to start a project that requires you to be a different frame of mind. Less analytical, more dreamy, and whimsical. Use your imagination, visualize it at the stages of completion and ask yourself how the process will rejuvenate you? How can you put yourself in it? This could be creating a new piece of art for your home, interior decorating, starting a blog, writing a script, or a send a submission to a zine or publication. With Pisces energy, you have the opportunity to do something different. So Take that Leap of faith BB.
This is a very positive time for love, romance, and creativity. You might find yourself being sensitive - embrace your creativity or better yet share your feelings with a lover or friend. Harness the energy of Pisces and express yourself.
“Can you remember you are loved? Can you remember you are love? ”
While we begin, we also end. This is the last new moon of the astrological calendar on the heels of the Spring Equinox. What are you ending? What cobwebs are being dusted out in the Spring clean? What are you accepting that is not ideal? People in your life, situations, your job, family matters? What are you now seeing with the rose-colored glasses off - but you're ok with?
Ask yourself what do you need? In your relationships? In your expression of yourself and your creative side, what practices do you need to help bring this out? Are there activities such as painting, coloring, drawing, playing music - that you could be doing instead of watching television or getting lost on social media? So go ahead and make that card you want to send to a friend to let them know how much they mean to you, or get to work on that collage wall in your bedroom. Express yourself through creative fun. If it's not fun...don't do it.
This moon asks us to embody the High Priestess, accept the duality of the seen and the unseen in our lives and dive deep into our own scared knowledge. Look beyond the external and feel. As yourself what you need to feel good and feel alive? Get in touch with your spiritual side again or for the first time - read some self-help and spiritual books, meditate, and journal. Pay attention to your dreams and the messages they are sending you as they are the key to your subconscious. Through your dreams find the energy to heal the things that need it, so you can move on and invite your intuition in.
Create: embrace the feelings of this water sign and put them into your work. Draw, color, paint, write a poem, or read a book that will take you deep.
Take a bath but get creative. Bath bombs, big bubbles, have fun in the tub.
“I believe…"
“I believe my intuition guides me, I will embrace the unseen as much as the seen”
Where have I kept my rose-colored glasses on for far too long? Where do I need to put them on and approach life differently?
Where can I embrace the divine feminine more? How can I honor her?
Where have I taken certain comments, feedback, or situations too close to my heart and allowed them to exacerbate old wounds or create new ones?