A Closer Look At Volume One...
Photo By: Maxwell Brooks
““Look around you. Appreciate what you have. Nothing will be the same in a year.””
I must have seen this meme over 100 times over the past few months, in my Instagram feed and in my friend's stories. It's true. Nothing will be or is the same. You're not going to be the same… I'm not going to be the same. Not one person featured in Volume 1 is the same.
I started collecting their stories for this Volume and the next one, almost a year ago. Since then some of the women have moved across the country, to a new country, or moved in with their boyfriend five blocks away. Some have closed their business, started a new one, started a podcast, bought a home, fell in love, got their heart broken, or both.
Over the past year, I have been reminded time and time again of the great people in my life and how fast life moves for everyone. When you have all these images spread out across your living room floor, you're re-reading the text messages, and the interviews and you listen to the recordings - its a real moment. These women opened their worlds to me, they gave me the keys to their businesses, they were super vulnerable and shared some of their stories and fears. The things that make them - them.
They have helped me be more present. They have made me step back, take in a moment and realize I'm apart of something and most importantly to savor it like I would a good meal. Through their stories, we are reminded, that the moment you're in, whether fleeting or horrific, will soon be over. And just like food, everything has a season. It's up to you to savor it while you're in it and to be present. Because nothing will be the same in a year.
I'm so excited to share this project. To share these unique individuals with you. What started out as a small idea and a way for me to find my way and inspiration again - has taken on a life of its own. Please go and support their business, or if you're not in their cities, follow them online. Reach out to them and tell them they're doing great. Let this inspire you to find people in your own hometown who are taking chances and putting themselves out there. Next time you're in your local shop thank the owner for being apart of your community, for doing what they do…because sometimes what looks easy, isn’t at all.